Adding text
Add a title and small text on top of the video to inform users of additional information or call for action
Opening forms (pop-up windows)
By clicking the video widget button, the user can open a pop-up lead form
Linking with forms and quizzes
Combine videos with feedback forms and quizzes to achieve maximum effect
Different embedding methods
Choose an embedding method depending on the content type. The video can be inserted directly into the body of the page, or open it in a pop-up window, by pressing a button or trigger
Video format
Choose the most convenient way to display videos on the site: vertical looks good on PCs and tablets, and the round format is suitable for small screens
Setting up a CTA button
Set the time and conditions for the appearance of the button to unobtrusively push the user to the target action
Unlimited number of video images
Add any number of videos to an unlimited number of pages and sites
Download speed
Asynchronous loading of the widget does not slow down the speed of the site. The main part of the pages is loaded first, after which the widget is loaded in the background
Basic customization
Customize the appearance of the widget, action buttons and text. Set the video format and the conditions for its appearance to create the desired user experience